
- Welcome
- Worship
- Youth Faith Formation and Confirmation
- Adult Faith Formation
- Redeemer Lutheran Women
- Bible Study
- Fiber Arts
- Outreach and Pastoral Care
- Sunshine Service
- Gathering In
- Redeemer Food Pantry
- Sunday Sunnies
- Community Art Camp
God gives many types of spiritual gifts. We believe one of Redeemer’s gifts is the gift of Welcome. We want you to come and pray with us no matter who you are. We will talk to you, we will welcome you, we will do all we can to let you know you have a place here. We do this because we know that so many people have been hurt or scarred by the church. Many people have been told that because of who they are they are not welcomed in a certain church.
We want you to know that you are welcome here. We strive to be a place where people can feel safe and comfortable as they walk their journey with Jesus. In 2012 Redeemer worked with Reconciling Works: Lutherans for Full Participation, to be recognized as a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Congregation. Redeemer was the 2nd church in Maine to receive this recognition. As a RIC Congregation we take a pledge and commit ourselves to the following statement:
Redeemer Lutheran Church is a Christian congregation called to unite people from diverse backgrounds, enabling them to grow in the love of Jesus Christ. We therefore respond to the vision to which God has called us–to proclaim this good news and to welcome all people without regard to sexual orientation, gender identity, culture or ethnic background, physical or mental abilities, family status, gender or age. We pledge to ourselves and all others that we will strive to live as reconciling people in our life together and in our outreach to the world. We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation.
The Redeemer Community worships on Sunday mornings at 9:30am in our sanctuary. In the summer, we regularly have outdoor service to take advantage of the beautiful Maine weather. During the seasons of Advent and Lent we gather on Wednesday nights for Holden Evening prayer at 6:30pm.
It is very important for us to work with and pray with other members of the Christian and Interfaith Community. Redeemer is regularly involved in community worship services, like the Easter Vigil, and the Martin Luther King Day services.
Redeemer follows the liturgical tradition. If you have ever been to a Catholic or Episcopal worship service then it will look very familiar. If you haven’t been in that type of service, please don’t let that keep you away. We print out everything for our services in a weekly bulletin that you get at the door. Our Redeemer members are more than happy to help you navigate the service.
Our worship liturgy is rooted in Biblical practice and the ancient practices of the Western Church. We begin by confessing our sins and receiving forgiveness. We give thanks to God and pray for God’s mercy in our lives. We hear readings from the scripture and psalms. The pastor delivers a sermon which is a reflection on those psalms. We confess our faith in God. We turn our hearts to God in prayer, then we receive Holy Communion. Within this we sing a lot.
What we remember in our worship is that worship is about coming together to turn our hearts to God. As a community we are able to set down the burdens of the week, that weight which we are carrying, and rest in the presence in our Lord Jesus who is with us and loves each and every one of us more than we can ever know. Please join us and bless us with your presence as we follow Jesus together.
Youth Faith Formation and Confirmation
On alternating weeks from Adult Faith Formation, we have Youth Faith Formation. Our young people gather to pray, they study and discuss stories from the Bible. We try to have activities which will deepen their connection to scripture and help them to think, even at a young age, about their life with God. Our youth work on service projects, and find ways they can be part of caring for our neighbors. Additionally, we try to find time for fun activities where we can get the group together for a time of fun and fellowship.
Starting in the 7th grade, our young people start Confirmation. This is a course led by the Pastor that helps our young people learn more about our life of faith. In the Lutheran Church, most of us are baptized as children. At that time, our parents, extended family and church family promise that we will be brought up in the faith. At Confirmation our young people confirm that this is what they believe in and take on the promises for themselves.
Adult Faith Formation
We are committed to helping our members deepen their faith and strengthen their understanding of what it means to be a committed Christian in today’s world. Every other Sunday, we gather after worship for Adult Forums. These presentations may include visits from guest speakers to describe ministry they are doing in the community. We may have special topic discussions. We may have presentations from our Forward Leadership Team who is working with the New England Synod to help us strengthen our life together. As much as these gatherings are about education, they also involve mutual conversation and prayer across our community. You are welcome to join us any time.
Redeemer Lutheran Women
“As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.” (Women of the ELCA purpose statement)
Redeemer Lutheran Women meet at Redeemer Lutheran Church on the third Tuesday of each month (except January and February) at 6:00 PM. All ages are welcome.
Bible Study
We have several options for Bible Study available at Redeemer. Pastor offers a Tuesday night Bible Study at Redeemer. In the winter we meet as weather allows. On Wednesday mornings we have a Zoom based Bible Study that focusses on the scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday. Everyone is welcome. If you would like to participate in either of these, please check with Pastor for current meeting times and the link to connect via Zoom.
Fiber Arts
On Tuesday mornings our Fiber Arts group meets in the Library. This is a group of knitters, crocheters, quilters, knot tiers, and all who work with thread or cloth to create. The gathering is in part fellowship, but also outreach, as members create prayer shawls, lap blankets, baby blankets and caps, to be given to members of the community.
Outreach and Pastoral Care
Redeemer Lutheran Church’s pastoral care is designed to provide support and guidance to members of the congregation who are going through difficult times. Pastoral care is available for individuals or families who are dealing with issues such as grief, loss, illness, addiction, or other challenges. Part of Pastor’s call is to walk with us in tough times, listen, pray with us, and either help us through the situation or help us connect with additional resources to help us through the difficult times we face. If you would like to talk to Pastor Michael or set up a pastoral visit, please call him at the church (207) 945-3166.
Sunshine Service
Sunshine Service is a half hour service of songs, familiar psalms, and prayers for anyone who is unable to sit through an ordinary church service. It’s a church service where noise, physical activity or disability make no difference and where all can feel accepted. Sunshine Service is once a month on Sunday at 1:30 (see calendar for scheduled dates). All are welcome and we need helpers to greet our guests, help lead music, and help set up for our cookie reception afterwards. If you would like to be of this ministry in any way, please reach out to Pastor Rhyne.
Gathering In
Almost every month, Redeemer will have a ‘Gathering In’ event. For the Gathering In, the church selects a group or agency that needs help, and we work to gather what that group needs. In past years, the Gathering In focus has included the Bangor Homeless Shelter, local schools and back to school supplies, Adopting a Family for Christmas to supply their needs, Bringing in items for the annual Art Camp, Gathering cold weather gear to share in the community, etc. The goal is to give us a way that we can help groups that are working to help others. We know that when we work together, we can do so much more than we could ever do apart.
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”
Matthew 18:20
Redeemer Food Pantry
The food pantry is an ongoing ministry and is used by many people in our community of Bangor and the surrounding areas. Your gift of food and other items are greatly appreciated. We can use any non-perishable food products like; cereal, peanut butter, oatmeal, jelly, soup, canned vegetables, spaghetti sauce, spaghetti, applesauce, mac & cheese, tuna, etc.
If you are interested in supporting this ministry, please drop off any food to the church at your convenience. We also can take financial donations to the food pantry which we will use to purchase items.
If you or someone you know could be assisted by the Redeemer Food Pantry, please call the church at (207) 945-3166 and we would be happy to help.
Sunday Sunnies
Redeemer has had a long tradition of working with the Columbia Street Baptist Church Soup Kitchen through our ‘Sunday Sunnies’ group. The church team provides meals on Sunday afternoons six times a year. All are welcome to participate in supplying food for meals and helping serve.
Community Art Camp
Each year the week after school ends, Redeemer hosts our Community Art Camp. Children come for a week of music, dance, crafts, and art. Redeemer members volunteer as facilitators, teachers, and hosts for the week. Art Camp culminates with a performance for family and friends. Art Camp was created to provide children from pre-school through middle school an opportunity for learning, fun, and fellowship.